Did you know that the UoN currently has 12,060 people enrolled? Those aren’t all at the university in person, as there are lots of classes happening online, and this number is also those spread across the campus’ in the town. This number will change often, but for now, the number is 12,060, and that number holds some very special people. My name is Ruth Alexander and I am the Student Missions leader for FISH. A major part of my role is connecting with international students at the UoN. As I connect with individuals at the Global Café, when handing out coffee on a Wednesday with the Chaplain or just randomly during the week, I am usually in awe in how brave they all are. Most have left their family and friends behind, coming to a new country at a young age to start, or continue their journey in their education. They are learning about a new culture, dealing with culture shock and culture stress, while dealing with the normal level of stress while at University. However, in the midst...